10 Vintage Colonial Painting Stamps Unused Mother and Baby New England Artist Stamps for Mailing

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10 Vintage Colonial Painting Stamps // Mother and Baby // New England Artist Limner // Thanksgiving Pilgrim Postage Stamps for Mailing

Face Value: 32 cents
Scott No.: 3236
Year of Issue: 1998
Year Painting Completed: 1671

Includes 10 TEN) 32¢ stamps in first photo.

These vintage mother and baby Colonial New England painting stamps are perfectly suitable for use as postage, as long as you use additional stamps to add up to the current postage rate. These beautiful neutral stamps will add an enchanting personalized touch to your vintage colonial wedding invitations, baby showers, or Thanksgiving greeting cards.

Postally Yours,

P.S. The story behind the stamp: The artist who painted Elizabeth Clarke Freake and her baby, Mary, remains a complete mystery, though we know he (or she!) trained in the Elizabethan English style and all of the subjects were from Boston. The artist is known as the Freake Painter or The Freake Limner and ten of their portraits survive.